Video Review Tips

Who We Are

We are In Hand Reviews. Our motto is "In hand product reviews by real people." In Hand refers to having the product physically in our hands as we make the review, giving our audience a real and honest perspective on each product.

Example Videos

Example on YouTube

Video Tips
  • We create genuine, honest and informative reviews of our favorite Amazon products.

  • Focus on helping customers who are trying to make a buying decision.

  • Little to no time should be wasted on introductions or anything other than the pros (and cons if any) of the product, how you use it and your overall experience with it.

  • Donā€™t mention cost and don't try to sell the product. Donā€™t use language like ā€œbuy, bought, recommend, purchase, or check it out.ā€ We want to remove all these words from our vocabulary because they can prevent videos from getting approved.

  • Videos should be at least 1-2 minutes long and roughly follow the script below.

Sample product review script
  1. ā€œHey, this is my review of [product name.] Iā€™m going to provide a quick overview of the features and give you my honest opinion about it.

  2. Iā€™ll start out with a quick demo [provide a demonstration of product.]ā€

    1. Show and describe it in use.

    2. Show and describe its main features.

    3. Show and describe close ups as needed.

  3. When possible, try to weave in some kind of genuine short story to engage the customer. Stories are entertaining and are the meat of marketing. For example: ā€œI bought [product name] because [Tell a quick story, about a problem you were looking to solve and how this product helped solve it.]

  4. ā€œMy overall experience with [product name] has been [provide your experience.]

Tips to Remember
  • Please label your videos with the product ASIN # before uploading to google drive.

  • Videos must be original and can not be used/posted anywhere on the web.

  • Products that you film must be available for purchase on Amazon.

  • Please be sure to follow amazonā€™s guidelines posted here >

  • Video must be recorded in ā€œhorizontalā€ view in 1080p quality (Yes, you can use your smartphone)

  • Lighting should be good enough for us to see the product clearly. Window or outdoor light can work just fine.

  • Video should show as many features and functions of the product as possible.

  • Be sure that your voice is friendly, helpful, and engaging.

  • Watch other shoppable videos on Amazon for ideas, including for a product you plan to review.

  • Aim to provide as much (or ideally even more) value to the customer as the other videos on the product page for whatever you are reviewing.

  • If you run out of things in your home to review, feel free to review products owned by your family and friends.

  • Focus mainly on quantity. All videos do need to meet minimum requirements. Beyond that, the more videos you make, the more money you can make. Try to create videos for everything you can that sells on Amazon.

  • While you are welcome to make videos for any products that sell on Amazon, certain products will maximize your chance for a pay bonus. For the best chance of a bonus payment, prioritize reviewing products that are popular on Amazon, have lots of positive written reviews, have 5 or fewer video reviews and sell for $20 or more.